ssg daily! sunday, march 15, 2015


ssg daily! sunday, march 15, 2015 archives

join our growing grassroots community of founders, investors, and advisors to

contact: charles jo 650.906.2600 – twitter @charlesjo


  1. very good community development — see achievements section below.


  1. member blogs March 13, 2015 was 3.
  2. contributions to editing — n/a; (members always invited to edit)


  1. M&A contact made
  2. Founder Institute connections being explored for Nima’s Brazil and Canada projects.


  1. 188 members; 139 on Slack
  2. Blogs today my members? 3
  3. other metrics?

team goals

  1. Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  2. metrics
    1. see #metrics channel on Slack.
  3. rally support around
    1. Ingrid’s STEM project (twitter @ingridium)
    2. Finkip – a new way to read blogs. Please review.

ideas to consider

  1. ad space on ssg daily and


  1. Fantasy Founders Game
    1. value of blogging; fantasy founders game for blogging founders vs. nah. – started 3/12/15. Terrence YC vs Charles (draft founders who blog: picks Adam, Darryl, Jonas, Chris, Shane)


member blogs today- highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. What the hell is happening? by Jonas Daniels
  2. Startup CTO equity by Scott McGregor
  3. On Integrity and Buckets by Charles Jo


previous member blogs

  1. Highlights Are a Big Deal by Sergio Romo @sromo16
  2. Tumblr Blog by Terrence Yang
  3. How to prevent your co-founder from stealing your company by Josh Maher
  4. Friday rant by Charles Jo – technically a half free-style tweetstrorm
  5. Misnomers about Angel Investing by Josh Maher
  6. Think before Disrupting by Alan Daniel
  7. Some Thoughts on Meerkats by Tom Maxwell
  8. 10 Things Startups and Local Bands Should Avoid Screwing Up On – by Adam Marx
  9. Bootstrapping by Charles Jo


interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere (books, etc.) See #books section on Slack.

  1. ???


member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?

icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)

  1. Hunter Walk’s notes on Meerkat vs. Twitter.


  • ???

past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)
  9. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  10. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  11. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.
  12. Create a mobile app for SSG users (not slack ) ?
  13. Create a SSG social network site on top of present website –    ?
  14. Create visual analytics about subject matters and topics reheated to start ups
  15. BTC
  16. Promoting, rallying around members’ launches.


  1. ???


StartupStudyGroup mailing list

On Integrity and Buckets

I’ll write a lot around my Korean childhood as I grew up there then immigrated to the US.  I don’t remember too many details now but some gems stick with me even as I’ve had decades to compare them to other proverbs.

One set of grandparents migrated to Manchuria and since they were living under Japan-occupied Korea, they could speak Korean, Japanese, and learned Chinese during their 10+ years in Manchuria and when I lived with them in the US, they were trying to learn English.  I always thought it was odd (but cool, neat) that despite the horrors they must have seen or experienced during colonial Korea, neither ever had bad things to about the colonizing countries nor the times they spent in Manchuria.  On the contrary, when they moved to the US, grandpa would always tune into Chinese and Japanese language TV shows and would laugh at all the jokes, clapping his hands then holding his stomach.  He’d also watch Korean shows, sure.  At times, he would be watching a Chinese language show and comment how cute he remembered the Chinese women to be when they lived in Manchuria.  Loud enough, I’m sure Grandma heard, but I also don’t recall her discussing this embarrassing comment.  Perhaps they had different tolerance levels but even as a 9 year old, I’m pretty sure I got embarrassed. If not then, every time I remember those scenes.  Grandpa did have nasty words for different regions of Korea though.  Not the North vs. South as we’d suspect now but East vs. West.  It was weird but apparently it was a thing.

Grandma had the gems though.  One, she said that we live and die with emotions.  I am still pondering that statement but I tend to agree.  We are emotional creatures.  They cause us to paint pictures, write poetry and songs.  And avoid the jerks.

Grandma’s second gem is the image I have in mind when it comes to integrity.  She used to say that a bucket that leaks inside the house, also leaks outside the house.  In business and finance, we speak of buckets all the time.  But imagine it as your integrity.  If your bucket is leaking when in private then you will most likely be a risk in business.  There was a sales training seminar I had attending years back.  One of the discussion partners was a woman who was going through a divorce.  Her husband was an executive somewhere.  She said everyone loved him.  He wore a great mask.  But at home, he was a monster.  Verbally abusive to her and kids.  Then her fear finally happened. He had struck their son.  She called the police and filed for divorce.  I was really proud of her for standing up for herself and her child.  No one deserves that kind of life.

In business, I am not sure why people reveal these during their conversation with me in private or in a private group setting: their sexist remarks, racist remarks, or how they know that they have to have the guts to cheat once in awhile to get things done.  Dude, I have a mom, a wife, a daughter, and nieces.  As you can see, I’m also a person of color.  You may not know that my son attends a Jewish school and I have tremendous respect for Muslims.  And Arab traders may have started some family lines in Korea.  And I actually believe in what Jesus said.  So thanks for sharing your moronic opinions but I’m not sending you business.  God have mercy on your soul.

Engage with me on twitter @charlesjo.  We are building the best startup community at and our members are not leaking buckets — inside the house nor outside the house.


ssg daily yo! saturday, march 14, 2015



ssg daily yo! saturday, march 14, 2015 archives

join our growing grassroots community of founders, investors, and advisors to



  1. Great intros on SSG slack.
  2. Need to note some of the interesting topics here.
  3. Exclusive member-only notices will not be published on SSG daily here but by Slack and/or email.



  1. member blogs March 12, 2015 was 5.
  2. contributions to editing — n/a; (members always invited to edit)



  1. ???



  1. 183 members; 136 on Slack
  2. Blogs today my members? 3 today so far!!!
  3. other metrics?


team goals

  1. Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  2. metrics
    1. see #metrics channel on Slack.
  3. rally around Ingrid’s STEM project (twitter @ingridium)
  4. Finkip – a new way to read blogs. Please review.


ideas to consider

  1. Promoting, rallying around members’ launches.
  2. Gamificaton: value of blogging; fantasy founders game for blogging founders vs. nah. – started 3/12/15. Terrence YC vs Charles (draft founders who blog: picks Adam, Darryl, Jonas)


member blogs today- highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. Highlights Are a Big Deal by Sergio Romo @sromo16
  2. Tumblr Blog by Terrence Yang
  3. How to prevent your co-founder from stealing your company by Josh Maher

  4. Friday rant by Charles Jo – technically a half free-style tweetstrorm

yesterday’s member blogs


  1. Misnomers about Angel Investing by Josh Maher
  2. Think before Disrupting by Alan Daniel
  3. Some Thoughts on Meerkats by Tom Maxwell
  4. 10 Things Startups and Local Bands Should Avoid Screwing Up On – by Adam Marx
  5. Bootstrapping by Charles Jo

interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere

  1. ???

member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?


icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)

  1. ?



  • ???


past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)
  9. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  10. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  11. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.
  12. Create a mobile app for SSG users (not slack ) ?
  13. Create a SSG social network site on top of present website –    ?
  14. Create visual analytics about subject matters and topics reheated to start ups
  15. BTC



  1. ???

ssg daily yo! friday, march 13, 2015


ssg daily yo! friday, march 13, 2015 archives

join our growing grassroots community of founders, investors, and advisors to


notes: skipping march 12, 2015 since the daily goes out late evenings Cupertino time, next date will be used instead.



  1. member blogs March 11, 2015 was 8. Tied record!
  2. contributions to editing — n/a; (members always invited to edit)
  3. Terrence Yang and JD Carluccio for great discussions on public Twitter around focus on product first  (then occasional blogging).
  4. Darryl McAdams for constructive feedback on tweets that could have been easily misinterpreted.


  1. Wed march 11th, Tied record of 8 blogs/day. (Same as above).



  1. 181 members; 130 on Slack
  2. Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  3. Blogs today my members?


team goals

  1. metrics
    1. see #metrics channel on Slack.
  2. rally around Ingrid’s STEM project (twitter @ingridium)
  3. Finkip – a new way to read blogs. Please review.


ideas to consider

  1. Promoting, rallying around members launches.


member blogs – highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. Misnomers about Angel Investing by Josh Maher
  2. Think before Disrupting by Alan Daniel
  3. Some Thoughts on Meerkats by Tom Maxwell
  4. 10 Things Startups and Local Bands Should Avoid Screwing Up On – by Adam Marx
  5. Bootstrapping by Charles Jo

interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere

  1. Fred Wilson, the famous VC, mentioned on TWIST interview that he reads some cold emails. Very unusual and awesome.  Everyone should follow him on Twitter.

member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?


icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)

  1. ?



  • ???


past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)
  9. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  10. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  11. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.
  12. Create a mobile app for SSG users (not slack ) ?
  13. Create a SSG social network site on top of present website –    ?
  14. Create visual analytics about subject matters and topics reheated to start ups
  15. BTC



  1. ???


One of the most interesting things about Peter Thiel is his challenge to people to not feel trapped in a straight jacket.  Yet, most founders I meet still are focused on the status quo model of product traction -> angel/seed -> VC -> IPO/M&A.  For an industry that prides itself on disruption, it seems that this is the road to travel.

Whenever I mention the bootstrapped model of Craigslist, people are surprised.  We all know what it is but its business model is not discussed.  Possibly because it didn’t make investors super rich.

I am curious what the founders and investors in the community think about the bootstrap model.  Are there other great examples of companies going independent outside the standard template?

I would love to hear feedback on Twitter @charlesjo. Or better, join us on SSG Slack: Invites + info

ssg daily yo! march 11, 2015

ssg daily yo! march 11, 2015

startup members edited daily | archives at | join our growing grassroots community

& invite other founders, angel investors, VCs, and advisors to



ssg daily yo! march 11, 2015

startup members edited daily | archives at | join our growing grassroots community

& invite other founders, angel investors, VCs, and advisors to



  1. member blogs yesterday — 4
  2. contributions to editing — n/a



  1. Tied record for blogs at 8 today.



  1. 172 members; 122 on Slack
  2. Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  3. Blogs today my members? 8


team goals

  1. metrics
    1. see #metrics channel on Slack.


ideas to consider

  1. metrics


member blogs – highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. A blog about not blogging by Terrence Yang
  2. A blog about blogging by Charles Jo (re-run)
  3. Lose the Sweet Tooth by Rive Health
  4. Virtual Reality & My First Week On Meerkat by Brandon Lipman
  5. Twitter – Discovering The Beauty of Online Communities by Brandon Lipman
  6. Knowing, the Art of Being Uncoachable by Shane Johnson
  7. Payment Plan Investing by Sergio Romo – placeholder –
  8. New Axe for Old Tribe by Charles Jo


interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere

  1. BTC


member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?


icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)




  • ???


past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)
  9. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  10. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  11. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.
  12. Create a mobile app for SSG users (not slack ) ?
  13. Create a SSG social network site on top of present website –    ?
  14. Create visual analytics about subject matters and topics reheated to start ups



  1. ???

New Axe for Old Tribe

Growing up in Korea, we heard the Gold Axe, Silver Axe story which I later found out was descended from the Honest Woodsman from Aesop’s fable. For telling the truth, the honest woodsman is gifted the gold axe, silver axe, and his original axe. A greedy logger who sees the honest one get these, tries but ends up losing even his original rusted axe.  Maybe karma.

The second time I heard a story about an axe was in a Cultural Anthropology class in the US.  It was about an scientist who found a culture which had not invented the axe.  What an opportunity!  The scientist was excited to present this axe to the society to record how the people would jump to developing new tools using the axe  .  The scientist brought the axe to the people and surprise!

The people who used to spend maybe 8 hours to do the work around their village were able to get it done in about 2 hours with this new axe tool.  Guess what they did with the remaining hours?  Instead of working at using the axe technology to carve out a more sophisticated society, the men and women used the rest of the time for leisure.  Now they had all this time to relax, enjoy life.

Very simple lessons for me .  First, what axe type tools are available to us now that we are not maximizing to carve out the best future for us.  William Gibson said that the future is already here; it’s just not very evenly distributed.  Secondly, when we use the axe correctly to create meaningful robots and AI, we will be able to enjoy most of our waking hours instead of doing mind-numbing monotonous chores which we were not made to do.

Engage with me on Twitter (@charlesjo) and if you are a building the future with your axe, join my growing community of founders and investors at

ssg daily yo! march 10, 2015

ssg daily yo! march 10, 2015

startup members edited daily | archives at | join our growing grassroots community and invite other founders, angel investors, VCs, and advisors to


  1. member blogs yesterday — 6.
  2. contributions to editing — n/a



  1. 1st Bitcoin transaction on SSG Slack!!!
  2. Special invite by Eric W. !!! details on Slack and Email for SSG members.



  • 167 members; 120 on Slack
  • Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  • Blogs today my members? 1


ideas to consider

  1. Use bitcoin as mode of awarding SSG members between members


member blogs – highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. JD [to edit]
  2. Increase online sales by optimizing the right keywords by Eric Dunstan
  3. Focus & Feedback by Charles Jo


interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere

  1. Build


member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?


icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)



  • ???


past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)
  9. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  10. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  11. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.
  12. Create a mobile app for SSG users (not slack ) ?
  13. Create a SSG social network site on top of present website –    ?
  14. Create visual analytics about subject matters and topics reheated to start ups



  1. ???

Focus & Feedback

There is nothing more annoying and simultaneously exciting than those who challenge your ideas and assumptions while you are trying to focus on building something awesome.  Or as I’ve heard some designers say insanely great.

For those of us with kids, it may be easier to understand.  Once you see the eyes of your first born open to see the their universe for the first time, you realize that the entire world has changed forever for you.  The world no longer is about your craving an In-N-Out cheeseburger but about what would make her have the most wonderful childhood.  Every day.  Every hour.

A question came up from my community at about the value of blogging.  Rather than point them to my post about the topic, I argued that I see founders as people and that some need to write.  It’s been a great way for me to organize my ideas and communicate to those in my network.  I am selling without selling.  I share my thoughts on some topics and it may hit a nerve to those readers who then see me as a person rather than a pretentious “personal branding” hack trying to hashtag their way to nicer zip codes.  Ultimately, people want to connect with people.

Having said that, my encouragement for people in the startup community to blog is  to help them become more organized and efficient. Think long term networking for business and career.  But this should not take the bulk of your time when you are coding and shipping.  Focus.  Take care of your new born.  She needs to be held.  She needs to be fed.  You can schedule times for the In-N-Out burgers.

Engage with me on Twitter. I’m @charlesjo.

ssg daily yo! march 9, 2015

ssg daily yo! march 9, 2015

startup members edited daily | archives at | join our growing grassroots community and invite other founders, angel investors, VCs, and advisors to



  1. member bloggers yesterday — 1.
  2. contributions to editing — n/a



  1. ?



  • 167 members; 116 on Slack
  • Goal: 1000 members by June 2015; be the best startup community, period. 8 blogs/day means 1 blog to read every hour at work.
  • Blogs today my members? 5 woot


ideas to consider

  1. virtual pitches in future. Google Hangouts -> Yahoo stream.  40 minutes Total next time.
  2. Bloggers – focus on finding tech startup bloggers to join SSG.
  3. RFB: Request for blogs.  Crowdsource ideas for member blogs.

member blogs – highlight blogs from ssg members; please read, engage, tweet…

  1. Top 6 Takeways from Meerkat AMA by Terrence Yang
  2. I Am Wrong by Shane Johnson
  3. Finding Innovators by Josh Maher
  4. How to Approach VCs by JD Carluccio
  5. Hackathons by Alan Daniel
  6. It Has to Exist by Charles Jo


interesting notes from SSG Slack & elsewhere

  1. Canada startup visa program


member tweetstorms, rebuttstorms (hi @pmarca), upcoming speaking engagements, events (pix or it didn’t happen!), quora Q&A

  • ?


icymi (best of Mattermark, @sama, etc.)

  • GigaOm fails.



  • ???


past ideas

  1. ssg labs – started 3/4/15
    1. explore ideas within group
  2. edition times – 9:30pm PST (initially 3/4/15)
  3. create easier invite and onboarding than (initially 3/4/15)
    ← WeAreLATech is using a TypeForm page to onboard to their slack channel. See:

    1. 10 minutes to process…
  4. better format for website, more content/context
  5. save also as pdf editions – done
  6. theme song to newsletter by one of Adam Marx’s @adammarx13 awesome bands; maybe cycle thru his bands?
  7. invite more tech/startup bloggers
  8. automate this newsletter (by @costrike)



  1. ???